
We can help you to design and build the perfect extension for your needs. Whether you are looking for a small conservatory or a large family room - we handle all aspects of development from architect and planning support through to construction, finishing and landscaping.

Utilising only the highest quality materials and workmanship, we are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service.


Front of a 1950's house before extension work is carried out.
Rear of a 1950's house before extension work is carried out.


Front of a 1950's house following extension/renovation work
Rears of a 1950's house following extension/renovation work
GS Contractors, 84 England's Lane, Loughton, Essex. IG10 2QQ 
Office: 02085 023672 | Mobile:  07887 486471 | Email: info@gscontractors.co.uk 